For the 69 homeowners who submitted their HOME INFORMATION SHEET – RAVENNA, either electronically or by USPS, you should have received an email from RAVENNA HOA subj: TOPS PORTAL INVITATION. The email was sent to the email you submitted on that form and contains the link to set up your account with CFM. Once you have registered, set a password, and verified your email, you will have access to your account. The account reflects the latest information that was available and transferred from your CSM account. After accessing your account, on the left side menu will be a link labeled Payment Methods. That link will allow you to set up a ACH or credit card payment for maintenance assessments (monthly dues). As with the previous management companies, mailed checks remain an option for payments.
If you submitted a information sheet and did not receive an email invite, please check you spam folder. If the email can not be found, please contact CFM at (757) 333-7675 for assistance.
If you missed the 20 Jun letter from the BoD and CFM, or never saw the information posted on the former Ravenna HOA (official) Facebook page, both letters as well as the information sheet can be found and downloaded from the bottom of the 15 Jul update on this website.